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Music that inspires me: 

I absolutely love hearing when an artist “ taps in” It’s  their ability to channel raw emotions and make the listeners hair stand up on your arms. 
I love feeling or hearing it raw and come from the heart. From hurt or joy, to your best friend just passed away and you feel lost without them, types of emotions. 
Music that soulful and heart felt !


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Pick Me Up ( full band

Bobby Parks Band

This collective country song brings you the listener only the best Country/ Mountain/ Roots with truly the finest blend in sound from Oklahoma ( Tulsa Sound ) by Bobby Parks. Slide guitarist Mr. Ben Peeler from the swamps of Mississippi.. Right down to the fiddle influenced by The Mountains of Appalachia’s Tone and stylistic approach by Mr.

This collective country song brings you the listener only the best Country/ Mountain/ Roots with truly the finest blend in sound from Oklahoma ( Tulsa Sound ) by Bobby Parks. Slide guitarist Mr. Ben Peeler from the swamps of Mississippi.. Right down to the fiddle influenced by The Mountains of Appalachia’s Tone and stylistic approach by Mr. Phillip Bowman

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